Dungeon Hunter (Sniper)
Genre: Action RPG
Developer: Gameloft
Publisher: Gameloft

Like most of Gameloft's recent cellphone titles, Dungeon Hunter attempts to mimic the triple-A console blockbuster formula with a sophisticated 3d engine and a lengthy FMV intro. The character designs are generally poor in quality, but the stage art more than makes up for it, with wonderful texture resolution, some lovely lighting, and aesthetically pleasing themes.

Outside of the obnoxious, derivative title theme, Dungeon Hunter's attempt at harrowing orchestral work is solid and lends atmosphere to the game's areas, even if it's almost completely devoid of any actual melody. The game's plethora of hack and slash sound effects are wonderfully crisp and distinct.

Dungeon Hunter's mechanic and stage designs are steady and enjoyable from top to bottom, and even occasionally innovative, as can be seen with the useful "Auto Equip" feature. The game's areas are well paced, and once the maddeningly frustrating "wheel"-style skill activation is swapped in the options menu for statically-placed skill icons, the game's design balance can be appreciated via the effective control scheme.

Even though they often imitate competing game franchises so closely and shamelessly that the effect is frequently comedic, Gameloft actually manages to produce some titles of exceptionally sound, although not outstanding, design and playability. Dungeon Hunter is a perfect example of this principle in action.

Sniper's verdict: